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    April's Chiropractic Tip: "Text Neck" and Forward Head Posture

    Texting is not only dangerous while driving, but can also wreak havoc on your neck. As a Greensboro chiropractor, Dr. Spell is seeing more people with neck pain lately due to their texting habits.  Looking down while texting creates a forward head posture, and can cause headaches, neck pain, and shoulder pain. The prolonged forward bend of the neck causes the muscles to fatigue and eventually strain.

    Computer monitors present a similar problem for many people, as they end up giving forward head posture to the user. Just like the bad posture seen while texting, many people sit with their head and shoulders lurched forward for hours at a time, creating the perfect setting for neck pain, shoulder pain, arm and hand numbness, and headaches.  

    Improper posture while texting and using a computer is similar to wearing a back pack all day...eventually, your muscles will tire and give out. Muscles can only work so long without giving them a break. So text and sit at the computer with your head and shoulders upright, in a neutral position. This will put less strain on your neck muscles, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of technology pain free!


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    Reader Comments (1)

    Great tips. Now I know texting also will result to neck pain due to wrong posture.

    December 17, 2014 | Unregistered Commentergabapentin 300mg

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